* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values. Return the number
* of apples that "Eve" has.
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples
* @returns {number} The number of apples Eve has.
const eveAppleCount = () => {};
* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values. Also takes in the argument of someone's
* name. Return the number
* of apples that the person passed in has.
* If the person does not exist in the object it should return 0.
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples
* @param {string} name - name of person
* @returns {number} The number of apples name has.
* Is there a difference between using string notation vs
* bracket notation? Try them both.
const appleCount = () => {};
* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values.
* Also takes in a new number of apples for Eve.
* Reassign her number of apples to the new value and then return
* the original object.
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples
* @param {number} appleCount - new number of apples
* @returns {Object} The updated object.
const eveAppleSet = () => {};
* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values. Also takes in the argument of someone's
* name, and the argument newNumberApple .
* Update the object to have the name pointing to the newNumberApple
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples - apple object with names and numbers
* @param {string} name - name of person
* @param {number} appleCount - number of apples
* @returns {Object} The updated object.
const appleSet = () => {};
* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values.
* Should return the total number of apples for Adam and Eve.
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples - apple object with names and numbers
* @returns {number} Sum of Adam and Eve's apples.
const adamAndEveApples = () => {};
* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values.
* Returns the sum of all apples
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples - apple object with names and numbers
* @returns {number} Sum of all apples
const appleSum = () => {};
* Takes in an object with peoples names as the keys and
* the number of apples they have as values.
* Reset all the apple values to 0 and return the object.
* @param {Object} peopleWithApples - apple object with names and numbers
* @returns {Object} Object with values set to zero.
const appleSetToZero = () => {};
* Takes in an object of countries and their capitals.
* Return the capital of Russia.
* @param {Object} countriesAndCapitals - countries and capitals
* @returns {string} Capital of Russia
const russiaCapital = () => {};
* Takes in an object of countries and their capitals.
* Takes in a country
* Return the capital of country given.
* @param {Object} countriesAndCapitals - countries and capitals
* @param {string} country
* @returns {string} Capital of country
const getCapital = () => {};
* Takes in an object of countries and their capitals
* and adds the key value pair "Jamaica" and "Kingston"
* Return the original object.
* @param {Object} countriesAndCapitals - countries and capitals
* @returns {Object} countriesAndCapitals now with Jamaica
const addsJamaica = () => {};
* Takes in an object of countries and their capitals
* and a country and capital. The country and capital should be
* added to the object.
* Return the original object.
* @param {Object} countriesAndCapitals - countries and capitals
* @param {string} country
* @param {string} capital
* @returns {Object} countriesAndCapitals
const addsCountry = () => {};
* Takes an array of arrays. First element of inner array is authorName, second element
* of inner array is score.
* Return an object where the keys are the authorNames and
* the values are the scores.
* @param {Array[]} authors - array of arrays [["Mark Twain", 8.9], ["Nathaniel Hawthorne", 5.1]]
* @returns {Object} {"Mark Twain": 8.9, "Nathaniel Hawthorne": 5.1}
const authorScores = () => {};
* You are given an array of objects.
* Each object in the array describes the score of a person.
* Find the person with the best score and return their full name.
* @param {Object[]} peopleAndScores - array of objects [ { firstName: "Calvin", lastName: "Newton", score: 13} ...]
* @returns {string} The full name of person with best score.
const bestScore = () => {};
* Returns an object where the keys are numbers 1 through 20,
* and their respective values is key cubed (num * num * num).
* @returns {Object} {1: 1, 2: 8, 3: 27...}
const cubeObj = () => {};
* Takes in a string and returns an object with
* the number of a's and the number of e's.
* @param {string} str - "A good snake"
* @returns {Object} Counts of e and a. {a: 2, e: 1}
const countAandE = () => {};
* Takes in a string and returns an object with
* the count occurrence of each character.
* @param {string} str - "A good snake"
* @returns {Object} Counts of all characters: {a: 2, g: 1, o: 2, d:1, " ": 2, s: 1, n:1, k:1, e: 1}
const countOccurance = () => {};
* Takes in a string and returns an object with
* the count occurrence of each character.
* Skips spaces
* @param {string} str - "A good snake"
* @returns {Object} Counts all characters except spaces {a: 2, g: 1, o: 2, d:1, s: 1, n:a, k:1, e: 1}
const countOccuranceNoSpaces = () => {};
* Takes in an array and returns the most common element.
* @param {Array} array - array of elements
* @returns {(number|string)} Most common element
const mostCommonElement = () => {};
* Takes in an object and an array.
* Returns a new array.
* If the element in the array is a key in the object the new
* array should have the value in its place. Otherwise just use the array element.
* Exp Input:
* {"Ed Sheeran": "guitar", "Ray Charles": "piano"}
* ["Ed Sheeran", "John Lennon", "Ray Charles"]
* Output:
* ["guitar", "John Lennon", "piano"]
* @param {Object} pairs
* @param {string[]} arr
* @returns {string[]} Elements or their pair values.
const updateList = () => {};
* Takes in an object and a key.
* It should delete the key value pair from the object and
* return the changed object.
* @param {Object}
* @param {string} key
* @returns {Object} The Object without the key.
const deleteKey = () => {};
* Takes in an object and returns the number of
* properties it has.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {number} Number of properties.
const propertyCount = () => {};
module.exports = {