Source: problems/conditionals.js

 * Takes in two values and returns if they are equal or not
 * @param {*} a - The first element.
 * @param {*} b - The second element.
 * @returns {boolean} - Is a equal to b.
function isEqual() {}

 * Takes in two numbers and returns the larger number
 * The numbers are guaranteed to be unique
 * @param {number} a - The first number.
 * @param {number} b - The second number.
 * @returns {number} - The larger number.
function findLarger() {}

 * Takes in two numbers and returns the larger number
 * Returns the string "tie" if both numbers are the same
 * @param {number} a - The first number.
 * @param {number} b - The second number.
 * @returns {number|string } - The larger number or string "tie"
function findLargerOrTie() {}

 * Takes in a number and returns whether that number is positive, negative, or equal to 0.
 * @param {number} a - The number.
 * @returns {string} - "Positive, Negative, "Zero""
function positiveNegativeOrZero() {}

 * Takes in a language (e.g "english", "spanish", "german") and returns "Hello World" in that language.
 * Must work for at least english, spanish, and german.
 * It should default to English if no argument is passed in.
 * Translations: English -> "Hello World"
 *               Spanish -> "Hola Mundo"
 *               German -> "Hallo Welt"
 * @param {string} language - The language.
 * @returns {string} - "Hello World" in the desired language
function aroundTheWorldGreeting() {}

 * Takes in a language (e.g "english", "spanish", "german") and returns "Hello World" in that language.
 * Must work for at least english, spanish, and german.
 * It should default to English if no argument is passed in.
 * Translations: English -> "Hello World"
 *               Spanish -> "Hola Mundo"
 *               German -> "Hallo Welt"
 * Uses a switch statement in its implementation
 * @param {string} language - The language.
 * @returns {string} - "Hello World" in the desired language
function aroundTheWorldGreetingWithSwitch() {}

 * Takes in a number and returns the letter grade corresponding to that number.
 * Letter grades consist of "A", "B", "C", "D", or "F"
 * 90 and above is an A
 * 80 and above is a B
 * 70 and above is a C
 * 60 and above is a D
 * Anything lower than 60 is an F
 * @param {number} grade - The numeric grade.
 * @returns {string} - The letter grade corresponding to the numeric grade.
function calculateLetterGrade() {}

 * Takes in two variables: animal ('cat', 'dog', etc.) and numberOfAnimals.
 * Use an if - else to statement to return the
 * number and animal (in either single or plural form)
 * Exp: "5 cats" or "1 dog"
 * Bonus: Make it handle a few collecting nouns like "sheep" and "geese"
 * @param {string} animal - The type of animal.
 * @param {number} numberOfAnimals - The number of animals.
 * @returns {string} - the number and animal (in either single or plural form)
function animalCounts() {}

 * Takes in a number and returns whether that number is even or odd
 * @param {number} a - The number.
 * @returns {string} - "Even or Odd"
function evenOrOdd() {}

 * Takes in a number and returns whether that number is even or odd
 * Uses a ternary in its implementation
 * @param {number} a - The number.
 * @returns {string} - "Even or Odd"
function evenOrOddWithTernary() {}

 * Takes in two numbers and returns the larger number
 * The numbers are guaranteed to be unique
 * Uses a ternary in its implementation
 * @param {number} a - The first number.
 * @param {number} b - The second number.
 * @returns {number} - The larger number.
function findLargerTernary() {}

module.exports = {